AHK2 鼠标点击 懒鬼 2024-04-09 ahk2 按下 Ctrl + 1 以使用这个脚本。会在鼠标当前所在位置重复点击72次,点击间隔为2秒。 123456789101112131415#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0^1:: ; Ctrl + 1{ Loop 72 { MouseClick "Left", , , 1, 100 Sleep 2000 }}Esc::ExitApp ; Exit script with Escape key^!p::Pause ; Pause script with Ctrl+Alt+P^!s::Suspend ; Suspend script with Ctrl+Alt+S^!r::Reload ; Reload script with Ctrl+Alt+R 文档: MouseClick Keystrokes Loop 参考: How do I stop an active AutoHotkey script?